Mentors Project
“Given what we do, it’s been an incredible blessing to receive many devices from Quality Computers,” says June O’Neal, the executive director for the Mentors Project in Bibb County.
Quality Computers provided tablets, laptops and computers to children with the Mentors Project with the goal of helping them with their school work.
The Mentors Project works with at-risk youth from 14 Bibb County Public Schools. It started in 1990 with a handful of volunteers in one school and now includes over 250 mentors across the 14 Bibb County Schools. The project has been successful in steering students away from drugs, crime, and dropping out of school, according to information supplied from the Mentors Project. In addition, students have reported mentors have helped them to control their temper, get along better with family members and teachers, and improve their social skills, grooming habits, and overall outlook on the future.
“Technology is where it’s at, it’s not the wave of the future, it’s here now,” says O’Neal. “[Without technology] our children will not be able to compete in the global market place. And without the help of Quality Computers, children with the Mentors Project would not have been able to advance. The support from Quality Computers has been invaluable. They’re invested in the children and their education.”
The use of technology is becoming more beneficial to students as time goes on. Today, every sector of the job market requires some knowledge of technology: from applying for jobs online to sending emails. Teachers are integrating technology in the classrooms in order to better prepare students for the real world.
Quality Computers is committed to assisting Middle Georgia public schools with their technology needs. In the past year, Quality Computers has provided over 800 devices to low income families and students and is expected to exceed that amount during the 2017 – 2018 schoolyear.